
Friday, February 10, 2012

The Four Dating Habits You Should Drop

Ok, chicks, you have to stop being stupid when it comes online lesbian dating. No more fucking games. Here are four dumb-ass habits you need to drop this year:
1. Worrying whether she likes you as much as you like her.
Waste of time. Such mental torture is useless. You are an intelligent woman, and if you like her, you are probably picking up on signs that says she likes you. People generally like people who like them. Studies have proven it. And if she really doesn’t dig you, I’m sure she’ll cut it off at a point where you wouldn’t be too broken-hearted about it. Indeed, the more you worry about, the worse the disappointment.
2. Phone Games
Are you a teenager? This isn’t 1992. Don’t wait to call her. You had some hot sex last night and you really want to let her know you enjoyed it, but you feel you should wait a couple of days? Why? That’s just dumb, dumb, dumb. Don’t harass her or anything, but if you feel like communicating with her, go for it. Anything else it’s just falseness and bullshit and prolonging of your union or eventual separation.
3. Breaking Other Plans to Chill with Her
Even the assholes at Cosmo know this is a stupid move. Don’t blow off your friends because she asked you out. If she really likes you, she’ll ask you out again. This isn’t a one chance kind of deal, and if it is, she isn’t worth it. Have some self-respect and have respect for your friends, because if you don’t she won’t, and either will your friends.
4. Careless Sex
The risk for STDs and transmission of HIV is lower with lesbian sex than it is with sex between men or men and women, but there is still a risk. You should discuss your sexual histories with one another before going to bed, not engage in risky activities before getting tested, such as oral sex if one of you has sores or cuts in your mouth, or the sharing of sex toys.

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