
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

so sad...?

My girlfriend and I broke up last week right before Valentine's Day... well, SHE broke up with ME. I understand... we're young, she needs to establish her career (we both do I guess), we need to focus on ourselves, there's much more growing to do... But simply knowing all the reasons in the world doesn't make a it hurt any less. Maybe what they say is true, that if you love someone let them go, and if it was meant to be it eventually will be. Problem is that we've lived together for almost a year now, and moving back home isn't exactly what I had planned for myself. Break-ups have definitely gotten more complicated these days, especially in our case where our living situation, relationship with family, the dog, our friends, are all involved. Just when I was starting to feel comfortable in my surroundings and the people I have now come to known, everything is slipping away from me. A couple of friends were nice enough to take me out this weekend, and let me tell you that being SINGLE in the lesbian scene for the first time of my life sure feels different. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise, and I could sure use the chance to discover myself. Good news is that I am now working as a flight attendant, and as soon as training is over I will finally get to travel around the world like I always wanted. I love my job and I haven't been able to say that in a LONG time.

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