
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

312 Fights a Year

Jesus fucking christ! I just read a dating stat that blew my mind: the average couple has 312 fights a year. That’s a lot of fights. That’s almost one a day. I am exhausted just thinking about it. Indeed, as a single woman looking for love in the lesbian online dating world, where I see countless women matching women, and never find that one match myself, I can not help but feel a tiny little bit better about being alone after considering this statistic. I mean – at least I’m not having 312 arguments a year with myself! Or am I. Actually, I quite possibly am…
Anyways, the majority of these 31 fights are apparently about little things such as who ate the last fudgsicle or who forgot to turn off the lights in the living room before going to bed. Not a big deal, right? Wrong. These bastardly little fights eventually build and grow and collect, and eventually become a massive source of tension between you and your partner.

This study was conducted by www.betterbathrooms.com, which is hilarious, because they are obviously just doing it so they can get you to buy their products by claiming they’ll eliminate such arguments or whatever. Anyways, the website surveyed 3,000 adults about their bickering habits, and found that the most common fight was usually over cleanliness. Ah, man, so true: nothing will kill the night of hot lesbian sex you had planned with your partner more than an argument over who is going to scrub the toilet. Nothin’.
“All couples argue,” said Nick Elson, one of the spokesman for the company that conducted the survey, “but to see how much time they argue over simple things like household chores was a bit of an eye opener. It seems a lot of time to be wasting bickering however annoying habits can get.” True, man, totally true, but the question still remains – how to solve the problem? Your bathroom products sure as hell ain’t going to solve the issue. Some intense meditation might solve the problem. But probably, realizing that we are all assholes who weren’t meant to live  in close quarters with the same partner for the rest of our lives, would solve the problem in a much more effective manner.
Oh yeah, I feel totally better about being alone now.

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